Sunday, July 13, 2008

Miscellaneous Questions

Nomi Hurwitz has questions.

I recognize this issue sprung up in Middletown, not Newport, nonetheless: What is your position on the microchipping of students' bookbags?

Against. Marlin Perkins never bothered with bookbags. If he wanted to tag an animal, he just shot it with a tranquilizer dart and collared it. Best to stick with what works.

Do you have any position regarding pit bulls in Newport?( I understand they're banned from Pawtucket). Any other dog or pet-related positions?

Banning breeds of dogs is, um, breedist. There are no bad dogs, only bad owners. Some of the sweetest dogs I've ever met have been pit bulls.

Other pet-related positions? My usual position is lying down while the pet lies on my stomach and licks my face.

Are you familiar with the works of Thomas Disch who committed suicide last week? If yes, would you recommend anything in particular for me. I've read nothing of his, but am intrigued.

Disch's best-known novels are On Wings of Song, The Puppies of Terra and Camp Concentration. Also check out the short story collection Fun With Your New Head.


Nomi said...

Thank you, Tom, for the answers.

Re: the Disch books, would you recommend I start with the stories?

Thomas Kalinowski said...

The best one to start with would probably be On Wings of Song. If you like that, go ahead and try one of the other books.